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Support When the Unexpected Happens

Early Infant Loss and Stillbirth

No one ever wants to experience the loss of a child. It is one of the worst pains a parent can ever feel. It is a sad reality that touches many mothers. Statistics tell us 1 out of 4 mothers will experience a pregnancy loss. No one should have to go through it alone. Whether it happens during the first trimester of pregnancy or at full term, I am here to validate your baby's life, you as a mother, and any other family members involved.


I care about you.


What does bereavement doula support look like?


  • Emotional support as you process very deep feelings

  • A listening ear with compassion

  • Labor support in hospital or home

  • Physical comfort techniques as you birth your baby

  • Preparation for baby's funeral if desired

  • Remembrances you can keep to always remember your baby by

  • Community resources and referrals for support by other professionals

  • Postpartum support in your home


Contact me below to request support.

Contact Me

Set up a free consultation to chat with me more about how I can serve you!

Thank you for your message! I will be in touch with you soon!

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Serving Sioux City, IA, Siouxland region of Iowa, Nebraska, & South Dakota, Dakota Dunes, South Sioux City, Vermillion, LeMars, Orange City, Alton, Sioux Center, Onawa, Sloan, Whiting, Ponca, and virtually anywhere in the USA

© 2022 by A Woman Who Serves, LLC

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